Most expensive wow mounts
Most expensive wow mounts

The topic is completely subjective and is something that is often debated on message boards and amongst the World of Warcraft community. In all honesty, this is a very hard question to answer. The flashy red body and flame design was certainly eye-catching, but would you class it as worth $200? It would be fair to say that those who do own this mount manage to stand out from the pack. This nifty rocket made its debut in 2008, and broke the mold for World of Warcraft players to give them the opportunity to ride around on a rocket. This is a bit more of an honourable mention since it’s a lot cheaper than others on the list, but it deserves notice given that it is more object than the beast.

most expensive wow mounts

You must really be a fan of tigers to part ways with the better part of a grand for this one. In fact, you are looking at just shy of $800 for this mount, which is a high price to pay of course. You are looking at the same percentage of owners as the other Spectral Tiger, though this one is going to cost you a fair bit more. Similar to the previously mentioned mount but equipped with a tail and paws clad in armour, this mount arrived back in the Burning Crusade. That being said, it has an ownership of around 3%, but there is in fact a more expensive version available. Clocking in at around $565, the Reins of the Spectral Tiger holds its own special place on the most expensive mounts that are available in World of Warcraft. Statistically, out of the millions of World of Warcraft players around the world, only roughly 2% own one of these World of Warcraft mounts. You are looking at around $300 for this mount, and you are not likely to have seen many flying around for this reason. Shall we raise the prices even more? Going up from the $270 rooster is the Feldrake. It would be fair to say that this mount in particular stands out from the crowd, its just that it will cost you a pretty penny to get the opportunity to do so.

#Most expensive wow mounts Patch

This was brought into the game over a decade ago through a patch that was introduced by developers. For an extra $70, you can get the Magic Rooster Egg. If you would prefer a massive rooster instead of a rhino, then you are in luck here. It is extremely rare to find and looks fierce at the same time.

most expensive wow mounts

The rhino goes way back to the Lich King expansion and will go a long way to being a showcase mount for you to be the envy of your friends. Ever wanted to ride around on a Wooly White Rhino? Well, if you have $200 to spare, then you can do exactly that.

Most expensive wow mounts